Mexico Fly Fishing Travel

While we can certainly lend a hand organizing a trip to the Baja Peninsula, our main focus in Mexico is on the Yucatan Peninsula and the Caribbean.  With numerous non-stop flights from numerous North American portals, the “Mayan Riviera” is a safe and convenient destination, and offers a culturally rich and stunningly beautiful venue for some of the greatest fishing opportunities in the Caribbean Sea. Whether you are on a mission to catch your first permit, catch a zillion bonefish, or go for a saltwater grand slam - the Yucatan has it all. 

Tailwaters’ representation on the Yucatan is on Ascension Bay exclusively with the Palometa Club and in Campeche.  We have a unique relationship with the Palometa Club in that David Leake is also an owner / partner in the lodge.  Ascension Bay offers a very species diverse fishing experience targeting bonefish, tarpon, snook, and permit (and more).  The Palometa Club has a reputation of having the best guides on the Yucatan - and a particular emphasis on permit fishing.  We also work with Raul Castaneda at Tarpon Town Outfitters in Campeche for those looking for the best of the best juvenile tarpon fishing available. 

Palometa Club

The Palometa Club is a boutique fishing lodge located on the famed flats of Ascension Bay on the Yucatan Peninsula.  Palometa combines a recently renovated lodge facility with a rich history and reputation as offering the best guiding team on the Yucatan… especially for permit enthusiasts.  

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Campeche Tarpon Town

Tarpon Town Anglers combines a wonderful year round juvenile tarpon fishery on the “Tarpon Coast” of the western Yucatan with a one-of-a-kind cultural experience in Campeche, Mexico. Campeche is an incredible destination to consider for both experienced and beginner saltwater anglers as juvenile tarpon are generally very cooperative and acrobatic. 

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