About our loyalty program
Our Reel Rewards Loyalty Program is set up to offer legitimate discounts to customers who shop with us regularly. Reel Rewards members are also given early access to exclusive offers, deals, promotions, and invitations throughout the year. In today’s cutthroat world of specialty retail, we are hoping to remain as competitive as possible at the cash register.
In addition to ensuring our loyal customers are getting a good deal, we strive to provide a customer shopping experience second to none. We are experts that have used the products we sell both on the water and on the road, fishing locally or traveling to destination fisheries. Our staff of professionals offer the highest level of customer service to meet your needs. Competitive pricing, expert advice, hands-on service, a beautiful five-thousand square foot showroom, a warm smile, and a cold beer are all part of the Tailwaters experience. These benefits cannot be matched while shopping online elsewhere or with our competition. We are Texas’ Fly Shop. Join Reel Rewards now and come see us!

Earn a point for every dollar spent in the store on regular-priced merchandise. Points are redeemed as follows:
500 Reel Points – $30 off a purchase (6% Back on Next Purchase)
1000 Reel Points – $70 off a purchase (7% Back on Next Purchase)
2000 Reel Points – $160 off a purchase (8% Back on Next Purchase)
3000 Reel Points – $270 off a purchase (9% Back on Next Purchase)
Update your customer details and preferences HERE
The Reel Rewards Loyalty Program offers certain rewards which may not be identified to you in advance. Only one person per rewards program. Number, type, and frequency of rewards are based upon a number of factors, each subject to change, including - without limitation - volume and type of purchases at Tailwaters, type and amount of personal information provided (for example, a unique and valid email address and phone number), and type and amount of participation in and/or interaction with Tailwaters activities. In the event of any discrepancy, Tailwaters’ determination of the size of the reward shall be final. When earned, rewards will be identified by visiting getmybalance.com, reviewing your e-receipt, or inquiring in-store. Rewards are subject to change or substitution without notice. Points are not earned for discounted items, for purchases made with a gift card, for non-inventory items (special orders), for lessons or education programs, for repairs, or for trips booked with the travel department. Rewards may not be exchanged for cash or any cash equivalent. If you forget to identify your membership while making a purchase in the shop, you can get credit by notifying a store manager at your next visit. A unique and valid email address is required. Tailwaters has no responsibility to retroactively apply rewards or use of the membership. All rewards will expire if the rewards account is inactive for 2 years (no purchase has been made).